Grand Trine
1 Hour Synastry/Relationship Reading
1 Hour Synastry/Relationship Reading
What is a Synastry/Relationship?
A Synastry/Relationship reading is where two individual people's natal charts are compared for synastry and reviewed on how you will relate to each other. Also, a composite chart is calculated to show how you as a couple project yourselves to the outside world- which can also show things you can do together that bring both of you personal joy.
In your reading, I will show you things like:
- How each of you project your light - your soul
- How you can connect on an emotional level
- How you can help each other heal
- Where are your sparks (that energy that brought you together)
- Where are the areas of contention- alternate ways to deal with friction and how to use the challenges to build a closer bond with each other
- How you can grow and evolve as a couple
- How you portray yourself as a couple to the outside would and what activities you would both enjoy
Why should you get a reading?
This is a great reading for couples, and I encourage that both of you attend the reading. It shows the dynamics that brought you together and the lessons each of you can learn through your relationship. If you do not want your partner to attend, I must have their consent to do the reading.
Please understand, that if there is extreme strife in the relationship, I may end the reading a refer you to a therapist. This reading is for couples who want to learn and grow together.
What Happens After You Book Your Reading
After you book your reading time, you will get a confirmation email with the link to your zoom meeting.
We ask the following of you:
Arrive on time for your booked appointment
If you have questions before your appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact us through our chat button. We will respond within 48 hours. Your
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information. We look forward to your reading. Thank you!