Grand Trine
1 Hour Transits Consultation
1 Hour Transits Consultation
What is a Transit Consultation?
We start with your birth chart (and I recommend having a birth chart reading first- since we will look at some upcoming transits there) and then we delve deep into the upcoming transits that can impact your life. You can choose the time frame but due to free will, I recommend not going past the 5 year mark.
This reading will focus on the external things (planetary transits) of your life and though you may not be able to change the energy that you will encounter, you may be better prepared for what will transpire.
In your reading, I will show you things like:
- The best time to get married, have children, change careers, start a business, move to a new place, etc.
- If there are hard aspects coming up, I will let you know what area of your life they will impact and give you some tools to help you through these times
- Explore times of productivity
- Learn times of retreat or when it is best to slow down and handle the minute details
Why should you get a reading?
Maybe you’ve been thinking about changing careers and are unsure if you have the talent to succeed. Or perhaps you struggle with family dynamics and want some clarity. Or, you may want to know more about yourself and get some validation.
Once you have this information, my goal is that you can take what you learn and use it to help you make decisions, heal or transform your life events.
What Happens After You Book Your Reading
After you book your reading time, you will get a confirmation email with the link to your zoom meeting.
We ask the following of you:
Arrive on time for your booked appointment
If you have questions before your appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact us through our chat button. We will respond within 48 hours. Your
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Check out our articles and links in our footer for more
information. We look forward to your reading. Thank you!